Closest To A Cowboy

I drive around this town
In a Mustang with the top down
And six running horses under my hood
Well that's good enough for me
Do not need the real thing
That's just another thing
For me to try to tame
Do not know if I could
It might just break me
I thought there for a little while
Every sunset I'd be a riding off with him

Snap buttons on a denim shirt
Blue jeans and a little dirt
That's the closest you'll see me
Feet hanging out a pickup truck
Crazy and a little rough
Running free
That's the closest to a cowboy
You'll see me

Before I met him
I was so sane and grounded
Before he taught me how to lie
And crawled out the window
I learned the dirt roads
And I got my heart broken
Cause that cowboy taught me how to cry
And how to let go
I thought there for a little while
Every sunset I'd be a riding off with him

Snap buttons on a denim shirt
Blue jeans and a little dirt
That's the closest you'll see me
Feet hanging out a pickup truck
Crazy and a little rough
Running free
That's the closest to a cowboy
You'll see me

It was all a little
Wonderful and strange
But I'll never look
At a sunset the same night

Snap buttons on a denim shirt
Blue jeans and a little dirt
That's the closest you'll see me
Feet hanging out a pickup truck
Crazy and a little rough
Running free
Sitting fishing by the river bank
Swimming in the water tank
That's the closest you'll see me
Feet hanging out a pickup truck
Crazy and a little rough
Running free
That's the closest to a cowboy
You'll see me

1. Eva Longoria Parker & Tony Parker (£13.65 juta) Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria meraih popularitas lewat peran Gabrielle Solis dalam serial televisi laris, ‘Desperate Housewives’, yang tengah memasuki musim enam. Kekayaannya tak hanya terkumpul dari sana, karena Eva juga membintangi sejumlah iklan produk ternama seperti L'Oreal's. Sedangkan suaminya, Tony Parker, adalah pemain basket handal. Kekayaan mereka menembus angka Rp 189 miliar.
7 Pasangan Selebriti Terkaya
2. Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick (£18 juta)

7 Pasangan Selebriti Terkaya
Penghasilan Sarah terdongkrak melalui kesuksesan serial televisi dan film ‘Sex & The City TV’. Suka atau tidak, ia menyumbang porsi terbesar dari total kekayaan senilai hampir Rp277 miliar.

3. Chris Martin & Gwyneth Paltrow (£20,5 juta)

7 Pasangan Selebriti Terkaya
Sang lelaki adalah penyanyi, gitaris dan pianis dari kelompok musik ternama, Coldplay. Sedangkan wanitanya adalah aktris peraih Oscar. Meski kariernya di dunia film tengah meredup, namun Paltrow turut andil dalam membangun kekayaan senilai Rp247 miliar.

4. Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes (£20,7 juta)

7 Pasangan Selebriti Terkaya
Tom Cruise juga merupakan salah satu aktor dengan bayaran mahal. Ia menyumbang kekayaan senilai £ 20 juta dalam rumah tangganya bersama Katie Holmes. Kekayaan mereka mencapai total Rp 287 miliar.

5. Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson (£22 juta)

7 Pasangan Selebriti Terkaya
Tom Hanks menimbun kekayaan melalui berbagai film laris yang ia bintangi seperti ‘Philadelphia’, ‘Forrest Gump’, ‘Saving Private Ryan’, ‘Toy Story’, ‘Cast Away’, dan terakhir ‘Angels & Demons’. Ia termasuk aktor dengan bayaran termahal mencapai £ 14 juta sekitar Rp 194 miliar per film.

Sementara istrinya, muncul dalam tiga film yang dirilis 2009, yaitu, 'My Life in Ruins', 'Old Dogs', dan 'It's Complicated'.

6. David & Victoria Beckham (£28,5 juta)

7 Pasangan Selebriti Terkaya
David & Victoria BeckhamSiapa yang tidak mengenal pasangan ini. David adalah bintang sepakbola kelas dunia. Sedangkan istrinya adalah mantan model dan personel Spice Girl yang kini merintis bisnis di dunia fashion.

Selain dari dunia olahraga, David menimbun kekayaannya melalui serangkaian produk fashion ternama yang ia promosikan seperti Armani. Dengan kekayaan lebih Rp 395 miliar, pasangan ini menjadi terkaya nomor lima.

7. Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith (£29,8 juta)

7 Pasangan Selebriti Terkaya
Will Smith & Jada PinkettTak ada yang menyangsikan bahwa Will Smith adalah bintang film besar di dunia. Banyak film yang dibintanginya menembus puncak box office. Majalah Forbes menuliskan bahwa film-filmnya menembus angka penjualan total £3.54 miliar atau hampir Rp 50 triliun. Sedangkan istrinya bekerja sebagai penulis dan produser film. Tak heran, jika pasangan ini menimbun kekayaan senilai Rp 413 miliar.

1. Berolah raga. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa olah raga lebih efektif dalam mencegah dan mengobati depresi daripada obat-obatan.

2. Ekspresikan cinta. Memberi dan mendapatkan cinta kasih membuat hidup kita bahagia. Mencurahkan cinta kasih kepada keluarga, kerabat dan orang lain adalah kunci kebahagiaan rohani. Membantu orang lain membuat hidup kita lebih bermakna dan kehadiran kita diharapkan.

3. Kurangi Menonton Televisi, Film dan Video/Online Game. Menonton televisi, film atau bermain game berlebihan dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan mental kita. Kekerasan dalam tayangan berita, film laga, dan game dapat mengurangi keseimbangan emosional, membuat depresi dan mempengaruhi respon emosi kita. Setelah melihat begitu banyak kekerasan, kita bisa tidak lagi mengenalinya sebagai kekerasan. Kilasan iklan televisi juga dapat menyebabkan indera dan otak kita overload dan kelelahan.

Banyak film yang menghibur, tetapi ada juga yang membangkitkan emosi negatif bagi sebagian orang. Bagi orang yang sensitif atau pernah mengalami semacam trauma dalam hidupnya, mengurangi waktu dan intensitas menonton tayangan yang memicu emosinya akan membantu menjaga keseimbangan jiwa.

Fokuslah pada hal-hal positif. Cobalah membaca berita, daripada menonton berita televisi. Membaca lebih berpengaruh lembut pada pikiran dan kita bisa lebih selektif. Cobalah menghindari tayangan kekerasan atau sensasional, pilihlah hanya program-program televisi dan film yang positif.

4. Mengapresiasi dan membuat karya seni. Menikmati seni lukis, seni fotografi, seni musik, seni tari dan bentuk-bentuk kesenian lainnya bisa menjadi stabilisator mood alami dan bermanfaat menyegarkan pikiran. Menghasilkan karya seni yang dapat dinikmati orang juga membantu seseorang untuk membangun harga diri, sesuatu yang penting bagi kesehatan mentalnya.

Cobalah mendengarkan musik yang lembut. Banyak musik hingar bingar yang justru dapat mengakibatkan kelebihan beban mental. Banyak pula jenis musik yang dapat mendatangkan perasaan tertekan atau hampa. Musik yang lembut dan merdu dapat menyeimbangkan proses kimiawi di otak kita.

5. Beribadah. Melaksanakan ibadah dan berdoa secara rutin memenuhi kebutuhan rohani kita, yang merupakan komponen vital dalam kesejahteraan jiwa. Mengabaikan kebutuhan spiritual membuat jiwa kita gelisah dan tidak tenang. Berdoa merupakan sarana yang efektif dalam mencegah dan memerangi masalah-masalah kesehatan mental.

6. Rekreasi di luar rumah. Cobalah untuk menjauhi rutinitas dengan menghabiskan waktu di alam. “Terapi hijau” bisa menjadi salah satu cara efektif untuk menemukan kedamaian batin, dan menenangkan pikiran kita, menemukan pencerahan dan membebaskan dari pikiran negatif.

7. Hindari mengisolasi diri. Menjadi bagian dari komunitas yang saling memberikan dukungan dan bertemu secara teratur dapat sangat membantu kita melewati krisis dan tetap positif.

8. Menjaga keseimbangan diet makanan. Diet dapat memperburuk gejala berbagai penyakit termasuk autisme, skizofrenia, depresi, kecemasan dan serangan panik. Makanan yang dibutuhkan untuk kesehatan mental yang baik adalah buah dan sayuran dan makanan yang mengandung asam lemak esensial, seperti ikan belida, tongkol, labu dan kacang-kacangan. Susu dan coklat juga dipercaya menimbulkan efek menenangkan pikiran.

9. Hindari pornografi. Rangsangan seksual pornografi dapat berkontribusi pada tumbuhnya kekosongan emosional yang dapat menyebabkan depresi, gangguan bipolar serta kesehatan mental lainnya. Hanya hubungan seksual dengan pasangan yang sah dan saling mengasihilah yang dapat mengisi kebutuhan fisik dan emosional kita.

10. Lakukan kegiatan yang membangun rasa percaya diri. Belajar memainkan alat musik seperti piano atau biola, menguasai keterampilan bela diri, mendapatkan hadiah lomba, dll sangat membantu  anak-anak membangun rasa percaya diri.

Bila Anda memiliki anggota keluarga yang mengalami masalah kesehatan mental, penting sekali untuk selalu menjaga sikap positif dan tidak menyerah. Jangan mencaci-maki atau mengolok-olok yang membuatnya merasa rendah diri dan mengekalkan perasaan membenci diri sendiri. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi mereka dengan kecenderungan gangguan pola makan. Tunjukkan cinta dan pengertian kepada mereka.

11. Jaga pikiran selalu aktif dengan membaca. Membaca bisa menjadi kegiatan penguatan mental, terutama jika kita fokus pada bacaan yang positif. Berlangganan beberapa majalah atau membeli buku-buku biografi yang mendidik bermanfaat bagi kesehatan mental Anda.

12. Jadilah pribadi yang lebih terorganisir. Hindari menunda-nunda pekerjaan, dan bersihkan dan tatalah harta benda Anda. Singkirkan kekacauan. Buang barang-barang yang tidak terpakai, selesaikan atau delegasikan pekerjaan yang menggantung, dan bila perlu, mintalah bantuan orang lain untuk menyelesaikan PR-PR Anda.

1. Komunikasi Yang Intensif
Dengan teknologi yang sudah maju anda bisa sering menelpon dan mengirim sms ke dia dengan obrolan yang segar dan tidak membosankan. Usahakan bisa menelfon si dia setiap malam hari dengan tarif yang murah meriah sehingga anda dapat berlama-lama ngobrol dengannya berdua. Jika si doi sudah merasa nyaman dan senang ditelfon maka komunikasi yang anda lakukan dalam kondisi yang baik.

Hindari menanyakan hal yang sama berulang-ulang dan dapat membuat pasangan anda bosan menjawabnya. Jika anda mempunyai sesuatu hal yang menarik dan baru, sampaikanlah. Selain malam hari, jangan ganggu si dia terlalu lama. Cukup dengan telepon sebentar dan beberapa sms segar. Jangan paksakan melakukan komunikasi jika keadaan sedang tidak memungkinkan.

2. Beri Perhatian Lebih

Perlakukan si dia berbeda dan lebih baik dari orang lain. Ketika dia ulang tahun atau event-event tertentu ucapkan selamat dan juga bisa anda beri hadiah. Buatlah seolah-olah dia seorang yang spesial dan anda tidak mau kehilangan dirinya. Jika doi ada masalah, bantulah minimal dengan mendengarkan curhat serta membantu dengan memberi solusi.

3. Ungkapan Cinta Yang Tulus Dan Wajar

Jangan memberi ungkapan gombal yang berlebihan yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan. Ungkapkan cinta anda secukupnya secara wajar tidak dibuat-buat alias maksa. Buat varasi ungkapan cinta anda dengan berbagai metode dan cara agar tidak monoton.

4. Pelajari Sifat Dan Perilaku

Amati dan pelajari apa-apa yang ia sukai dan apa-apa yang tidak disukainya. Jika anda sudah tahu, jangan lakukan hal-hal yang tidak ia sukai dan lakukanlah apa yang ia sukai selama tidak melanggar aturan hukum, norma dan agama serta tidak membebani anda. Hindari hubungan seks di luar nikah untuk menghindari masalah pelik yang dapat muncul. Tolak dengan baik ajakan-ajakan yang berbahaya, karena belum tentu ia akan menikah dengan anda.

5. Jangan Pelit Dan Matre

Ketika sedang pergi berdua jika memungkinkan tanggunglah biaya-biaya pacaran berdua seperti makan, nonton, belanja, jajan, transport, dsb. Jangan maunya dibayari saja tanpa mau mengorbankan sedikitpun uang anda untuk orang yang anda sayangi. Tetapi jika salah satu ada yang sudah bekerja dan yang satunya tidak bekerja, dibayari adalah sesuatu yang wajar.

6. Perjelas Hubungan Ke Depan

Komitmen menikah merupakan sesuatu yang penting dan perlu disepakati yang menunjukkan bahwa anda dan pasangan saling mencintai. Komitmen tersebut bisa diungkapkan di awal maupun setelah lama berhubungan. Semakin jelas hubungan anda dengan dirinya, maka semakin kuat ikatan batin anda dengan si dia. Terlebih lagi jika keluarga kedua belah pihak telah mengetahui serta merestuinya. Berdoalah kepada Tuhan agar anda kelak bahagia bersama pasangan anda.

7. Hubungan Keluarga Yang Baik

Jaga hubungan baik dengan anggota keluarga si dia jangan sampai menimbulkan masalah dan citra yang negatif. Jika ada masalah segera selesaikan secara kekeluargaan bersama pasangan anda. Pernikahan tidak hanya penyatuan seorang laki-laki dengan perempuan, tetapi juga menikahkan kedua keluarga.

8. Jujur Dan Menjadi Diri Sendiri

Jadilah sebagai diri sendiri dan tidak meniru adegan sinetron, novel, film, dan sebagainya. Tanpa berpura-pura menjadi seseorang yang sempurna, kita akan merasa bebas lepas tanpa beban dalam menjalani hubungan cinta anda.

Usahakan tidak membohongi kekasih anda dan katakan apa adanya sesuai dengan keadaan yang sesungguhnya. Sekali berbohong maka anda harus membuat kebohongan lainnya untuk menutupinya. Jika telah menikah nanti akan lebih indah jika saling jujur tanpa ada dusta diantara anda dengan dia.

9. Menjaga Emosi

Jangan membalas emosi dengan emosi. Gunakan kesabaran yang tinggi untuk meredam amarah si dia. Ungkapkan anda tidak suka jika dia marah membabi-buta. Jika si dia melakukan kesalahan atau kebohongan pun jangan sampai emosi anda meledak-ledak. Tetap tenang dan gunakan akal sehat dalam menjalani suatu masalah. Berbicaralah baik-baik dan lembut namun tegas dalam menyikapi sesuatu karena emosi terkadang sifatnya hanya sementara. Emosi yang saling beradu sangat berbahaya dalam menjaga hubungan agar tidak putus cinta.

10. Selesaikan Masalah Yang Ada Secepatnya

Jangan menunda-nunda untuk mencari pemecahan dari masalah yang timbul. Jika keadaan dibuat mengambang terlalu lama maka bisa jadi si dia akan berpaling dari anda dan menjalin cinta yang lain. Sedapat mungkin hubungan yang terjalin dapat kembali mesra seperti sedia kala setelah masalah terselesaikan.

11. Selalu Setia

Hal yang sangat penting adalah menjaga kepercayaan si doi. Jika anda ketahuan pacaran lagi dengan orang lain maka hancurlah hati si dia jika mengetahuinya. Jangan pernah menduakan cinta anda, karena itu sangat membahayakan hubungan anda dengan pacar anda.

12. Seimbang / Tidak Ada Dominasi

Jangan sampai hubungan yang berjalan menjadi kurang nyaman karena yang satu dianggap atau menganggap dirinya lebih dewasa, lebih pintar, lebih kaya, dan sebagainya. Buatlah diri anda dengan dirinya seimbang satu sama lain tanpa perbedaan. Keadaan yang seimbang antara pria dan wanita seperti teman akan sangat menyenangkan daripada yang satu harus selalu menuruti kemauan salah satu pihak terus menerus seperti pembantu.

13. Lakukan Hal-Hal Yang Menyenangkan

Sesuatu yang membuat anda berdua senang tidaklah harus yang berharga mahal. Mungkin dengan belanja bersama ke pusat perbelanjaan, jalan-jalan naik motor berdua atau duduk berdua di bangku taman yang gratis dapat menyenangkan kedua belah pihak. Nikmatilah masa-masa pacaran anda yang indah agar tidak menyesal nantinya ketika menikah.

Profil Lengkap Fachri Muhammad

Nama : Fachri Muhammad (si Entong)
Tempat & Tgl Lahir : Jakarta,18 Juli 1996
Sekolah : SMAN 1 Jakarta
Makanan Favorite : aku suka semua makanan pedaaasssss…
Hobi : Nge-Band, Main PB, chat di BBM etc.
Alamat Rumah : Jalan Cempaka Putih Barat XI
twiter: @cek_info
Sinetron : Si Entong ( Abunawas dari Betawi )
Yang Masih di Bawah Umur

Film : Ichsan ( mama, I love U )

- Kursi Roda Kak Asih
- Petualangan 100 Ribu Rupiah
- Wajah Kita
- Seragam Buat Hana

foto Fachri Muhammad

foto Fachri Muhammad

1. Ajaklah si penderita galau ke salon,suruh ia luluran,facial,massage,meni pedi,dsb. Buat mereka terlihat cantik/tampan meskipun wajah pas-pas’an. Jangan biarkan para galauers tampak thekill of thekumell .

2. Bila dia  mulai mengungkit sang mantan ketika sedang mengobrol atau curhat,tutup kedua telinga kamu,lalu bergegas pergi. Lakukan itu setiap ia membahas sang mantan. Tujuannya agar ia tidak membahas mantannya lagi saat berkumpul denganmu.

3. Bilang kepadanya bahwa anang hermansyah adalah Duta Move On dan suruhlah ia seperti Anang Hermansyah yang bisa datang ke acara pernikahan mantan istrinya dan berpelukan dengan Raul lemos. Eits tapi jangan suruh temanmu yang galau berpelukan dengan pacar baru mantannya,suruh dia seperti Anang Hermansyah yang tegar dan berhati seluas samudra hindia.

4.Ajaklah ia jogging setiap malam minggu atau bersepeda biar dia tidak merasa paling menderita karena malam minggu menjomblo dan tak punya kegiatan apel dan diapeli.

5. Suruh dia menyodaqohkan barang-barang pemberian sang mantan ke keponakan,teman,tetangga,sepupu atau adiknya. Jangan biarkan ia menggalau dan masih menggunakan jam tangan pemberian mantan,jangan biarkan ia tidur sambil memeluk boneka dari mantannya. Dilarang keras karena hanya akan menambah kegalauan.

1. Belum laku-laku dan mantan pacar sudah punya gandengan baru.

2. Setiap curhat dengan siapapun pasti mengungkit sang mantan.

3. Setiap facebookan selalu melihat beranda facdebook si mantan,status satusnya dihafalin,foto fotonya dipandangi dan paling parah biasanya foto terbaru sang mantan didownload disimpan di hape lalu dijadikan wallpaper.

4. Bila di sms sang mantan,hati berbunga-bunga . Mantan bilang kangen,langsung teriak teriak sampai 5 oktaf.

5. Saat tidur masih suka memeluk boneka pemberian sang mantan.

6. Nggak ada niat buat move on dan tidak berusaha melupakan sang mantan.

7. Semua status facebook berbau galau

8. Merasa paling mnederita sedunia akherat.

Chord Lagu Ashilla Zee - Masih Cinta

[ Intro ]  C D G 2x
             Em C D G

  G                        D             Em        Bm
kau yang selalu menjagaku disaatku bersedih
   Am           D
dimana kau kini
   G                        D              Em       Bm
kau yang selalu memelukku disaatku menangis
    Am                    D
mengapa kah kau pergi

  Em              C                D
bahagia kau lihat terpurukku disini
   Em       C         D
menanti kau kembali

  C     D     G
aku masih cinta
  C     D      G
aku masih sayang
  Em            C      D
walau kau sakiti hatiku
  C      D     G
aku masih setia
   C       D     G
masih tetap setia
   Em            C     D
walau kau sakiti hatiku
kau hancurkan aku

   G                          D            Em       Bm
kau yang selalu memelukku disaatku menangis
   Am                     D
mengapa kah kau pergi
    Em            C                 D
bahagia kau lihat terpurukku disini
    Em    C       D
menanti kau kembali ..

[ Intro ] G Em C  Am D

  C      D     G
aku masih cinta
  C     D       G
aku masih sayang
   Em            C      D
walau kau sakiti hatiku
  C     D       G
aku masih setia
   C      D      G
masih tetap setia
   Em            C        D
walau kau sakiti hatiku ..

   C    D      G
aku masih cinta
   C    D       G
aku masih sayang
   Em           C       D
walau kau sakiti hatiku
   C     D    G
aku masih setia
   C      D      G
masih tetap setia
   Em            C      D
walau kau sakiti hatiku
kau hancurkan aku

Circles, we're going in circles
Dizzy's all it makes us
We know where it takes us
We've been before

Closer, maybe looking closer
There's more to discover
Find out what went wrong
Without blaming each other

Think that we got more time
When we're falling behind
Gotta make up our minds

Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we'll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes

Wake up, we both need to wake up
Maybe if we face up to this
We can make it through this

Closer, maybe we'll be closer
Stronger than we were before, yeah
Make this something more, yeah

Think that we got more time

When we're falling behind
Gotta make up our minds

Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we'll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes

Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is
When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix
And you pray, pray, pray
That everything will be okay
While you're making all the same mistakes

Don't look back,
But if we don't look back
We're only learning then
How to make all the same mistakes again

So we play, play, play on the same all games (same old games)
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change (when nothing's gonna change)
And we take, take, take it for granted that we'll be the same (nothing's gonna be the same)
But we're making all the same mistakes

Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is (crazy is)
When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix (there's nothing to fix)
And you pray, pray, pray (oh)
That everything will be okay (everything will be okay)
While you're making all the same mistakes

I keep playing it inside my head,
All that you said to me.
I lie awake just to convince myself,
This wasn't just a dream.

Cuz you were right here,
And I should've taken the chance.
But I got so scared,
And I lost the moment again.
It's all that I can think about,
Oh, you're all that I can think about

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused,
Just tell me, am I out of time?
Is your heart breakin'?
How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away when...
When, I should have kissed you

I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you

Every morning when I leave my house,
I always look for you.
Yeah, I see you every time I close my eyes,
What am I gonna go?

And all my friends say that I'm punching over my weight
But in my eyes i saw how you're looking at me
It's all that I can think about,
Oh, you're all that I can think about
Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?

I'm so sorry, I'm so confused,
Just tell me, am I out of time?
Is your heart breakin'?
How do you feel about me now?
I cant believe I let you walk away when...
When, I should have kissed you

I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you

When you stood there, just a heartbeat away
When we were dancing, and you looked up at me
If I had known then that I'd be feeling this way
If I could replay I would never have let you go
No, oh, never have let you go
Am I out of time?

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused,
Just tell me, am I out of time?
Is your heart breakin'?
How do you feel about me now?
I cant believe I let you walk away when...
When, I should have kissed you

I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should, oh, I should have kissed you
I should have kissed you.

Let's dance in style,
Let's dance for a while,
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies,
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst,
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever,
We don't have the power but we never say never,
Sitting in a sandpit,
Life is a short trip,
The music's for the sad man.

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young,
Do you really want to live forever,
Forever young.

Some are like water, some are like the heat,
Some are like the melody of some other beat,
But sooner or later they all will be gone,
Why don't they stay young?

It's hard to get old without a cause,
I don't want to perish like a fading horse,
Youth is like diamonds in the sun,
And diamonds are forever.

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young,

Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young (forever),
Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

So many adventures couldn't happen today,
So many songs we forgot to play,
So many dreams are swinging out of the blue,
We'll let'em come true.

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young,
Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young (forever),
Do you really want to live forever,
Or never?

Forever young,
I wanna be,
Forever young (forever),
Do you really want to live forever (forever),
Forever (forever),
Forever young

I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can't ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

Something's gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

Now I'm climbing the walls
But you don't notice at all
That I'm going out of my mind
All day and all night

Somethings' gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

Woah (Clapping)

You've got that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
Get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

You're insecure
Don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need make up
To cover up
Being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh Oh
You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
But that's what makes you beautiful

So c-come on
You got it wrong
To prove I'm right I put it in a song
I don't know why
You're being shy
And turn away when I look into your eyes

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know

Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
But that's what makes you beautiful

Nana Nana Nana Nana
Nana Nana Nana Nana
Nana Nana Nana Nana

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh Oh
You don't know you're beautiful

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
Oh Oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh
But that's what makes you beautiful


This is the end
Hold your breath
And count to ten
Feel the earth move
And then
Hear my heart burst again

For this is the end
Drowned and I've dreamed
This moment
So I owe them overdue
Swept away
I'm stolen

Let the skyfall
When it Crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the skyfall
When it Crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall
At skyfall

Is where we start
A thousand miles
And poles apart
Where worlds collide
And days are dark
You may have my number
You can take my name
But you'll never have my heart

Let the skyfall
When it Crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the skyfall
When it Crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall
At skyfall

Where you go I go
I see what you see
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand together
Let the skyfall
When it Crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the skyfall
When it Crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall

Let the skyfall
We will stand tall
At skyfall

Hiding My Heart

This is how the story went
I met someone by accident
who blew me away
blew me away
And It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, you buried them away

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
you'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Dropped you off at the train station
Put a kiss on top of your head
And watched you wave
And watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
Neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call that home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
Away, yeah

Woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And though I wish that you were here
on that same old road that brought me here
It's calling me home
It's calling me home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Hiding My Heart

This is how the story went
I met someone by accident
who blew me away
blew me away
And It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, you buried them away

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
you'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Dropped you off at the train station
Put a kiss on top of your head
And watched you wave
And watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
Neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call that home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
Away, yeah

Woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And though I wish that you were here
on that same old road that brought me here
It's calling me home
It's calling me home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Hiding My Heart

This is how the story went
I met someone by accident
who blew me away
blew me away
And It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, you buried them away

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
you'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Dropped you off at the train station
Put a kiss on top of your head
And watched you wave
And watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
Neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call that home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
Away, yeah

Woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And though I wish that you were here
on that same old road that brought me here
It's calling me home
It's calling me home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away

If It Hadn't Been For Love

Never woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda run through the blindin' rain
without one dollar to my name
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Never woulda seen the trouble that I'm in
if it hadn't been for love
Woulda been gone like a wayward wind
if it hadn't been for love
Nobody knows it better than me
I wouldn't be wishing I was free
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda gone to that side of town
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda took a mind to track her down
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

I'll Be Waiting

Hold me closer one more time,
Say that you love me in your last goodbye,
Please forgive me for my sins,
Yes, I swam dirty waters,
But you pushed me in,
I've seen your face under every sky,
Over every border and on every line,
You know my heart more than I do,
We were the greatest, me and you,

But we had time against us,
And miles between us,
The heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
And I see my future in you,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you,

Let me stay here for just one more night,
Build your world around me,
And pull me to the light,
So I can tell you that I was wrong,
I was a child then, but now I'm willing to learn,

But we had time against us,
And miles between us,
The heavens cried,

I know I left you speechless,
But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
And I see my future in you,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you,

Time against us,
Miles between us,
Heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
Time against us,
Miles between us,
Heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
I know I left you speechless,
I'll be waiting,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you.


Somasi Trio Macan
Merasa suaranya ada dalam lagu Iwak Peyek yang dinyanyikan Trio Macan, Angel sebagai mantan additional Trio Macan menuntut namanya diakui sebagai penyanyi dalam lagu tersebut. Dalam preskon yang berlangsung pada Senin (8/10) di Pantai Mutiara Seafood Restaurant, Jakarta Selatan, Angel mengaku tengah menunggu respon dari Trio Macan terkait surat somasinya kepada ProAktif, manajemen Trio Macan. Selanjutnya...
Somasi Trio Macan
Bukan Boyband Gampangan
Max George, Tom Parker, Nathan Skyes, Siva Kaneswaran, dan Jay McGuiness sudah dikenal di seluruh dunia karena grup boyband mereka, The Wanted, berhasil merajai tangga lagu internasional. Simak apa kata mereka soal karir saat ditemui berikut ini. Selanjutnya...
Bukan Boyband Gampangan
The Wanted


Para Sahabat Peterpan menunggu di pelataran Rutan Kebon Waru untuk menyambut kebebasan Ariel.


The Cardigans menyuguhkan sajian musik layaknya balapan dalam game Gran Turismo.



« September 2012 November 2012 »

Hiding My Heart

This is how the story went
I met someone by accident
who blew me away
blew me away
And It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, you buried them away

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
you'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Dropped you off at the train station
Put a kiss on top of your head
And watched you wave
And watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
Neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call that home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
Away, yeah

Woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And though I wish that you were here
on that same old road that brought me here
It's calling me home
It's calling me home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away

If It Hadn't Been For Love

Never woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda run through the blindin' rain
without one dollar to my name
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Never woulda seen the trouble that I'm in
if it hadn't been for love
Woulda been gone like a wayward wind
if it hadn't been for love
Nobody knows it better than me
I wouldn't be wishing I was free
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda gone to that side of town
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda took a mind to track her down
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

I'll Be Waiting

Hold me closer one more time,
Say that you love me in your last goodbye,
Please forgive me for my sins,
Yes, I swam dirty waters,
But you pushed me in,
I've seen your face under every sky,
Over every border and on every line,
You know my heart more than I do,
We were the greatest, me and you,

But we had time against us,
And miles between us,
The heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
And I see my future in you,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you,

Let me stay here for just one more night,
Build your world around me,
And pull me to the light,
So I can tell you that I was wrong,
I was a child then, but now I'm willing to learn,

But we had time against us,
And miles between us,
The heavens cried,

I know I left you speechless,
But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
And I see my future in you,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you,

Time against us,
Miles between us,
Heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
Time against us,
Miles between us,
Heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
I know I left you speechless,
I'll be waiting,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you.


Somasi Trio Macan
Merasa suaranya ada dalam lagu Iwak Peyek yang dinyanyikan Trio Macan, Angel sebagai mantan additional Trio Macan menuntut namanya diakui sebagai penyanyi dalam lagu tersebut. Dalam preskon yang berlangsung pada Senin (8/10) di Pantai Mutiara Seafood Restaurant, Jakarta Selatan, Angel mengaku tengah menunggu respon dari Trio Macan terkait surat somasinya kepada ProAktif, manajemen Trio Macan. Selanjutnya...
Somasi Trio Macan
Bukan Boyband Gampangan
Max George, Tom Parker, Nathan Skyes, Siva Kaneswaran, dan Jay McGuiness sudah dikenal di seluruh dunia karena grup boyband mereka, The Wanted, berhasil merajai tangga lagu internasional. Simak apa kata mereka soal karir saat ditemui berikut ini. Selanjutnya...
Bukan Boyband Gampangan
The Wanted


Para Sahabat Peterpan menunggu di pelataran Rutan Kebon Waru untuk menyambut kebebasan Ariel.


The Cardigans menyuguhkan sajian musik layaknya balapan dalam game Gran Turismo.



« September 2012 November 2012 »

Hiding My Heart

This is how the story went
I met someone by accident
who blew me away
blew me away
And It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, you buried them away

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
you'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

Dropped you off at the train station
Put a kiss on top of your head
And watched you wave
And watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
Neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call that home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
Away, yeah

Woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And though I wish that you were here
on that same old road that brought me here
It's calling me home
It's calling me home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away

If It Hadn't Been For Love

Never woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda run through the blindin' rain
without one dollar to my name
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Never woulda seen the trouble that I'm in
if it hadn't been for love
Woulda been gone like a wayward wind
if it hadn't been for love
Nobody knows it better than me
I wouldn't be wishing I was free
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda gone to that side of town
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda took a mind to track her down
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

I'll Be Waiting

Hold me closer one more time,
Say that you love me in your last goodbye,
Please forgive me for my sins,
Yes, I swam dirty waters,
But you pushed me in,
I've seen your face under every sky,
Over every border and on every line,
You know my heart more than I do,
We were the greatest, me and you,

But we had time against us,
And miles between us,
The heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
And I see my future in you,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you,

Let me stay here for just one more night,
Build your world around me,
And pull me to the light,
So I can tell you that I was wrong,
I was a child then, but now I'm willing to learn,

But we had time against us,
And miles between us,
The heavens cried,

I know I left you speechless,
But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
And I see my future in you,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you,

Time against us,
Miles between us,
Heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
Time against us,
Miles between us,
Heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
I know I left you speechless,
I'll be waiting,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you.


Somasi Trio Macan
Merasa suaranya ada dalam lagu Iwak Peyek yang dinyanyikan Trio Macan, Angel sebagai mantan additional Trio Macan menuntut namanya diakui sebagai penyanyi dalam lagu tersebut. Dalam preskon yang berlangsung pada Senin (8/10) di Pantai Mutiara Seafood Restaurant, Jakarta Selatan, Angel mengaku tengah menunggu respon dari Trio Macan terkait surat somasinya kepada ProAktif, manajemen Trio Macan. Selanjutnya...
Somasi Trio Macan
Bukan Boyband Gampangan
Max George, Tom Parker, Nathan Skyes, Siva Kaneswaran, dan Jay McGuiness sudah dikenal di seluruh dunia karena grup boyband mereka, The Wanted, berhasil merajai tangga lagu internasional. Simak apa kata mereka soal karir saat ditemui berikut ini. Selanjutnya...
Bukan Boyband Gampangan
The Wanted


Para Sahabat Peterpan menunggu di pelataran Rutan Kebon Waru untuk menyambut kebebasan Ariel.


The Cardigans menyuguhkan sajian musik layaknya balapan dalam game Gran Turismo.



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